
Tim, hunter/gatherer

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

If not for Tim . . .

If not for Tim I would still be eating processed food or no food at all. He does it all...shops, cooks, measures. I am thankful that he loves to bbq, even in the winter with the snow flying you will see Tim put on a jacket, step outside the kitchen onto the balcony and fire up the grill. I would cook the meals inside on the stove if he wanted to take a break from the routine, but that's just it, he really LOVES to be the hunter/gatherer and chef. I am able to stay paleo because of Tim. I do not have the discipline he does. He makes sure we have the right foods in the house. He has the energy to hunt and gather them if we do not. I, on the other hand, would rather go hungry than venture out. He has kept me from falling back on old habits. He will brave the cold outdoors to cook. No complaining. How does he do it? There is something about his mental control and drive that I do not have. It is the same with his approach to working out. I need to learn to be that person. A lot of life comes down to the mental. Are you a survivor or will you starve? While I ponder that thought my free range chicken is ready to eat with my side of broccoli and salad. Tim, once again, a wonderful meal! And pass the pepper please.


  1. Very cool. It helps so much to have someone in it with you...especially when they do most of the work! ; ) You guys make such a great team!

  2. So true Amy. I am lucky that Tim joined crossfit shortly after I started. I don't know if I would still be doing it if he didn't. It really has helped me in the healthy eating department too:)
